Mark your calendars so you don’t miss out on all the festivities…
Reformation Sunday Worship, October 29, 8:30 and 10 AM. “Here I stand I can do no other.” – Martin Luther, became an Everyday Hero during his time, and in fact was one of Life Magazine’s Person of the Millennia. Over 500 years later we recognize his influence that “Priesthood of All Believers” or as I like to proclaim, “Every Member is a Minister.” It’s fitting that about a dozen people will stand this coming Sunday introducing themselves as New Members here at St. Luke’s. In their introduction we ask them to answer three questions.
Trunk or Treat, Sunday, October 29, 4:30-6:30 PM What a wonderful way to welcome the neighbors. Thank you to all who brought candy to share. Last year we had over 400 people, so we could always use more candy. Prayerfully consider decorating your car adding another trunk – it doesn’t have to be fancy, the little goblins and princesses are there really for the candy. But there is the Traveling Troll Trophy which could be yours if voted as the best trunk. Other festivities include s’mores, popcorn, and a Mini-Donut Food Truck. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors. Consider helping out, Spots still available include: popcorn and cider stand, flyer/info stand, and Clean Up Crew. Sign up with Emily Hendricks, Director of Children and Family Ministry. [email protected] / 952-881-5801 ext. 104 All Saints and Pledge Sunday, November 5, 8:30 and 10 AM What a wonderful way to honor those who have gone before us. We will light a candle for the St. Luke’s Members who have died in the past year, trusting in the promise that they are in the Great Cloud of Witnesses. We honor them by continuing to witness here on earth. Pledge Cards were mailed out today. Prayerfully consider your tithe and offering. Know that I give a full tithe of my entire compensation including salary, housing, and benefits. I am following the witness of Moses who did likewise. There are three opportunities: Current Ministries, Building Fund to pay the monthly mortgage, and a Bridge Fund to fulfill our 2021 Capital Appeal and complete the 100th Anniversary Sanctuary upgrades. If you have questions, contact Tim Krieg, Stewardship Council Representative: [email protected] The Second Stewardship Bulletin Insert is below. Honor Veteran’s Worship, Sunday, November 12 at 3 PM We gather outside and raise the American Flag with Revelry. Worship in the Sanctuary includes recognizing each of the armed forces. We conclude back outside as we lower the Flag with taps. We are gathering photos of St. Luke’s veterans. You’re invited to submit one for yourself or a loved one to the office, by Sunday, November 5. Thanksgiving Eve Worship, Wednesday, November 22, 7 PM “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” – 1st. Thessalonians 5:18 I’m looking forward to Member and Seminary Student, Tim Krieg give his first sermon. This Celebration as the Family of God, which for some is their only Thanksgiving Celebration, for others it prepares them to celebrate with their families the next day. Sign up to bring treats to share. Diane LaFontaine, Community Life Council Representative, [email protected]. Christ the King and First Advent Sunday, November 26, 8:30 and 10 AM We are combining these two Worship Celebrations to keep Christmas Eve, only Christmas Eve on Sunday, December 24. It is an Omega and Alpha Sunday, with Christ the King being the last Sunday of the Church Year and Advent One being the first Sunday of the Church year. Looking for people to light the candles at each worship, 8:30 and 10 AM, for our four weeks of Advent: November 26, December 3, 10 and 17. Contact the church office [email protected] 952-881-5801 ext. 103 Before you know it Christmas will be here! Ongoing prayers and blessings, Rob
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