Fellowship Hall, Wednesday, September 6, 2023, 7:00 p.m.
Sing to the Lord a new song; Sing skillfully with a shout of joy! Psalm 33:3 (paraphrased) Sing to the Lord a new song; Sing to the Lord, all the earth. Psalm 96:1 As we enter a new program year, St. Luke’s staff are busy planning ahead, getting calendars in order, finding and selecting resources for their ministry areas, connecting with returning and new ministry members and much more. St. Luke’s Choir and their new director, Patrick Lair, is one such area excited for and busy preparing for the year ahead. It is their commitment to help enhance our 8:30 AM Worship and special worships by leading congregational hymns and providing special music and anthems. You could say Psalms 33:3 and 96:1 define the theme for the Choir this year to “sing a new song to the Lord with skill, confidence passion and joy”. We want the Choir to continue the long history (100 years) of music playing a vital role in how this congregation worships and becomes closer to God. To that end, we need your (the congregation’s) help and input. All are welcome! Join Patrick and the St. Luke’s Choir in Fellowship Hall on Wednesday, September 6th at 7:00 p.m. for a chance to greet returning choir members, to invite new singers, and to have a conversation about the Choir’s role in worship. And, of course, fellowship and treats to follow. Here are some questions to consider for the evening’s discussion:
Prayerfully consider being a part of this September 6th event to prepare all of us to “Sing a New Song Unto the Lord”. If you would like to welcome Patrick or have questions you can do so after his official start date September 1, 2023. [email protected] / 952-881-5801 ext. 107
Sunday, August 27, 2023
The earth and everything in it belong to the Lord. The world and all its people belong to him. Psalm 24:1 In the days and weeks ahead there will be children putting things into backpacks to head off to school and animals being left at home for the day. Lord we ask for your blessing for both and much more… Lord we ask for your blessings for the teachers, para-professionals, administrators, custodians, bus drivers, school nurses and social workers, volunteers, lunch room and hallway monitors, parents and especially the children. Lord we ask for your blessings on not only our pets, but all animals and creation itself; for veterinarians, farmers, forest rangers, and conservationists. Join us Sunday, August 27 as we offering blessings for the start of the school year, for our pets and all creation. 8:30 AM – Worship in the Sanctuary 10 AM Worship outside welcoming our pets to join and receive a blessing Let us extend our blessings to our neighbors by supporting VEAP, the Twin Cities’ largest food pantry, providing access to healthy foods (for both humans and pets), social services, and financial assistance. They also do a collection every year for school supplies. See the list below and prayerfully consider bringing a donation to share. Food Pantries list of most needed items:
School supplies most needed: (Please make sure all items are new.)
Traditional supplies requested:
For more information go to: VEAP.ORG This is a follow up on last week’s blog: Worship - Why do you or do not attend worship? (8/8/2023)There were a total of 30 people took time to respond.
Last Sunday in worship we looked at the book of Ecclesiastes, the second of our August Four Week Series on Biblical Wisdom. The first week was Proverbs, next week is Song of Songs and we will close with the Psalms – specifically Psalm 148 as a part of the Blessing of the Animals and Backpacks. The author of Ecclesiastes is described as a critical and sometimes crotchety teacher has to much to say about life and death, God and love, sorrow and joy, and worship. We had a little fun with a questionnaire last week. We have two winners who will each receive a $15 gift card, splitting the prize based on the number of responders. 1. St. Luke’s has how many people in its database? – d. a. 400 b. 2000 c. 1400 d. 1000 e. 750 2. St. Luke’s has how many households in its database? – c. a. 150 b. 350 c. 550 d. 750 e. 950 3. St. Luke’s had how many individuals attended Worship last year based on Welcome Cards? – d. a. 70 b. 170 c. 270 d. 370 e. 1,070 4. St. Luke’s had how many people attend monthly last year based on Welcome Cards? – c. a. 60 b. 120 c. 180 d. 240 e. 300 5. One (nonstaff) St. Luke’s member attended the most worships totaling? – d. a. 72 b. 78 c. 85 d. 89 e. 114 Bonus Question: Who was the member who attended the most worships? No one put down the right answer, and the person who did probably wouldn’t want to be mentioned. I share these statistics to show the number of people and families who have or had a connection with St. Luke’s. How many different people attended worship in the past year. The number of different people who come each month – the new average used by many churches. And to note the number of times four individuals attended during the year, sometimes attending both the 8:30 AND 10 AM worships on the same Sunday, plus Lent worships and other holiday worships. For them and the people who responded worship is important, valuable, and gives meaning and purpose to life…. “Why do you or do not attend worship?” Here are the responses… “I attend for fellowship and to praise God. I miss when I’m out of town.” “I attend to feel good. I miss when out of town or ill.” “Because I enjoy it.” “Love Pastor Rob. Love the people!” “To receive God’s blessings through the word and the sacrament and to commune with members.” “It’s time that I can focus on my faith with my church family.” “I love the Lord Jesus!” “Pastor. People. It’s home.” “Community. Serve. Fellowship. Worship.” “It’s Family!” “One of the most important days of my week. Feels like something is missing in my week when I am unable to attend.” “Spiritual and Community.” “I love worshiping at St. Luke’s and seeing the children.” “St. Luke’s has always felt like ‘home’” “I am part of the church as we all are and to hear words of reassurance.” “I always want to come but will watch online when ill or weather is an issue.” “I give uninterrupted, full attention, to God who deserves my loyalty.” “Need to stop and smell the roses. To stop and think about life.” “Community.” “I need to be here for my heart, soul, mind, as I worship my God. Peace. Love of our faith community.” “Worship. Community. Family. Outreach.” “Fellowship with others, faith.” “Worship. Fellowship.” “Keeps me centered.” One more question, was asked from the article by John DeRose, May 16, 2023 on NPR who reported in the The importance of religion in the lives of Americans is shrinking: “Despite the downward trends in overall church attendance, PRRI found that those still going are happy. 82% say they're optimistic about the future of their church.” 100% of the people who responded stated – “Yes” They were optimistic about the future of St. Luke’s. A few had explanation points - Yes! There were three who followed their Yes with… … for the older members. … with a little elbow grease. …. ,but concerned. If you didn’t have a chance to share your answers, please do so in the comments below. Why I worship and I’m optimistic about St. Luke’s? If a picture paints a thousand words, then a video must be a million. Take a look at Easter 2023 Video. (For those being mailed out use this ending… I encourage you to go to the St. Luke’s Website and on the bottom of the home page is a picture of St. Luke’s. That is a link to the 2023 St. Luke’s Easter Worship. Christ has risen! Christ has risen indeed. Hallelujah! Ongoing prayers and blessings, Rob ![]() Having a little fun with our blog this week. There will be a gift card given to the person who gets the most questions correct. To participate simply comment below. The value of the gift card will be equal to the number of individual comments posted. Gift card location will be chosen by the winner. 1. St. Luke’s has how many people in its database? a. 400 b. 2000 c. 1400 d. 1000 e. 750 2. St. Luke’s has how many households in its database? a. 150 b. 350 c. 550 d. 750 e. 950 3. St. Luke’s had how many individuals attended Worship last year based on Welcome Cards? a. 70 b. 170 c. 270 d. 370 e. 1,070 4. St. Luke’s had how many people attend monthly last year based on Welcome Cards? a. 60 b. 120 c. 180 d. 240 e. 300 5. One (nonstaff) St. Luke’s member attended the most worships totaling? a. 72 b. 78 c. 85 d. 89 e. 114 Bonus Question: Who was the member who attended the most worships? (Post your answers in the Comments below…) Along with your guesses, would love to hear your answer to “Why do you or do not attend worship?” If you would prefer to privately, please email me: [email protected] What is going on with worship in the United States? John DeRose, May 16, 2023 on NPR reported in the The importance of religion in the lives of Americans is shrinking “Participation in houses of worship continues to decline, according to the study. 28% of respondents said they "seldom" attend religious services, and 29% of respondents said they "never" attend religious services. A decade ago, those figures were 22% and 21%, respectively. The COVID-19 pandemic appears to have influenced a larger trend. In 2019, 19% of Americans said they attended a religious service once a week. That percentage has now dropped to 16% attending weekly and 13% saying they attend "a few times a year." You can read the entire article here. [Stats from the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI).] Recently a Funeral Director shared with me that most churches have less than half of the number of people attending worship weekly then they did prior to the pandemic. I am grateful to announce St. Luke’s worship has rebounded since the pandemic. In fact, we will be having another “Interested in St. Luke’s Lunch” early this Fall. Along with worship, we look forward to starting Wednesday Night Live on September 20. It includes a community meal at 5:30 PM and education for all ages from 6-7 pm. (Preschoolers and parents gathering ends at 6:30 PM). One more question, from the article above: “Despite the downward trends in overall church attendance, PRRI found that those still going are happy. 82% say they're optimistic about the future of their church.” Are you optimistic about the future of St. Luke’s? Look forward to hearing from you. Ongoing prayers and blessings, Rob ![]() Thank you to all those who helped the tree bloom with over 100 Acts of Kindness. “They will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, to display his glory.” – Isaiah 61:3c Community Life has been encouraging us to spread leaves of righteousness, 100 acts of kindness and service in honor of our 100th Anniversary. Again this is not a command, but an invitation. We are free to do or not do acts of kindness to glorify the Lord. As the Prophet Isaiah declared to the people of his time – We are free to follow, keep the faith, be grateful, enjoy the comfort of the Lord and share it with others. Look at how St. Luke’s Members lived out their freedom… (Number indicates similar notes.) 1. Feed My Starving Children – 11 2. VEAP – 7 3. Meals on Wheels Driver – 4 4. Big smile for people when I’m out – 2 5. Loaves & Fishes – 2 6. Sunday Treats - 2 7. Assist with livestreaming worship services - 2 8. Tending St. Luke’s gardens – 2 9. Quilting - 2 10. Sharing and helping with neighbors – 2 11. Brought food to a friend – 2 12. Delivered a prayer shawl - 2 13. Helped a co-worker put up a bulletin board 14. I try to be kind to everyone I meet 15. Elder Valentine Project 16. Compassion Child Support 17. Helped my brother and sister-in-law complete an application for subsidized housing 18. Made Sunday coffee 19. We continue to pay it forward by picking up tabs for strangers 20. Gave a donation to a needy individual 21. Provided home goods for someone in need 22. Shared items and food with people in need 23. Gift card to homeless 24. Sharing the love of family 25. Supporting ill family and friends 26. Share the peace 27. I provide transportation to church 28. Care Team Member 29. Cat sitting for a friend 30. Handmade cards of encouragement for the elderly 31. Card Ministry notes each month 32. Delivered blank greeting cards to a nursing home for residents to use 33. Volunteer Teaching Assistant for adult ESL students 34. Drive through difference (KTIS) 35. Allowed someone at Cub to check out before us 36. Took care of my sister 37. We pick up garbage on our walks 38. Hold the door open for our neighbor, who is older 39. Mowed our neighbor’s lawn and watered flowers while they were gone 40. Shoveled out young neighbor’s car 41. Plowed the neighbor’s driveway after the plow went through 42. Drove neighbor to doctor appointment 43. Took a lady from Church to her hearing aid appointment 44. Helped neighbors with flooded basement 45. Raked snow off neighbor’s roof 46. Brought meals to neighbors, both who were seriously ill 47. I carried the cross for Church 48. I carried the cross for work 49. I carried the light 50. Inspire others to pay it forward with random generosity 51. Bought a week’s worth of groceries for a stranger 52. Bought coffee for a stranger 53. I gave a veteran a ride to Sam’s Club for groceries 54. I held the door 55. I share my toys and games 56. Invited someone to attend St. Luke’s with me 57. Helped neighbors 58. I babysit for a neighbor in need 59. Worked in the rain garden 60. Helping a grieving friend 61. I helped a friend 62. Took a friend shopping who needs help and uses a walker 63. Helped an elderly lady who fell in the grocery store 64. I cared for an ill person 65. Cleaned street drain of ice and snow 66. Made cookies for our elevator installers 67. Fostering community through hosting 68. Donated blood 69. Helped clean up 70. I helped my Mom with cat poop 71. Gave flower plants to a new home owner gardener 72. Go out with my dog doing therapy work 73. Mentoring youth 74. Helped clean up after children’s church 75. Said a prayer for the ill 76. VINES & BRANCHES clothing donation 77. Donation to ARC 78. Help others figure out their future 79. Bill from Armstrong Carpet Cleaning for coming out at short notice to clean St. Luke’s Narthex carpet 80. Writing down and typing out all the Acts of Kindness For the next 100 years… Let us spur one another on toward love and good deeds “in Jesus’ name”. – Hebrews 10:24 |
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