St. Luke’s 2024 Readers’ Choice Award Winners Voted as the best Church in Bloomington for:
These awards show how much our members and neighbors love St. Luke’s – and what’s not to love!? One community with two styles of worship: 8:30 Traditional with hymns and 10 AM Praise Music One community with four music groups: St. Luke’s Choir, Jubilee Praise Team, Bells of Praise, and Children's Choir. One community welcoming many children to VBS: There are St. Luke’s church members, St. Luke’s Preschool Students, Learning Tree Development Children, children from our neighborhood, with many of them inviting their friends. All of them are loved and cared for by amazing Student Leaders and Adults. It is not only “The Best Week of the Summer!” but the best in Bloomington!! – 2024 VBS “Camp Firelight” is June 24-27, 2024 We are living out our mission: We are a welcoming and growing community of Faith, busy making Christ known to the world St. Luke’s 2023 Annual Meeting 2024 Congregational President Leah DeSchepper enjoyed looking back last year as St. Luke’s celebrated its 100th Anniversary. The focus for the year ahead is looking forward into the next century. Please keep the Council in your prayers. Leah DeSchepper, President Mark Bergherr, Past President Kelsy Newby, President Elect Paul Sundet, Treasurer Rani Hayden, Secretary Britt Halaas, Missions Becky Olson, Worship and Music Jane Nechville, Community Life Tim Krieg, Stewardship Kerry Kollodge, Faith Formation Greg Hornicke, Member at Large Nominations were accepted for Property. We will announce the representative when appointed by the Council. In the weeks and months ahead the Council Members will introduce themselves during worship, and be available between to meet you. St. Luke’s Foundation – Members all returning Pat Lair, President Diane Gilmer, Treasurer Helen Schatzlein, Secretary Paul Kopnick, member Jodi Murphy, member 2024 Minneapolis Synod Assembly – St. Luke’s will be represented by: Brenda DeSchepper and Kevin Schulz with Julie Schroeder, alternative if needed. “For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us.” Romans 12:4-6a St. Luke’s Staff – Along with our elected leadership, please hold the staff in your prayers. Greg Anderson, Director of Jubilee Praise Team Candi Brand, Preschool Teacher Susana Castillo, Custodian Tracy Engdahl, Preschool Teaching Assistant Nancee Erickson, Wedding Host Angela Hanson, Director of Children and Youth Choir Emily Hendricks, Director of Children and Family Ministry and Vacation Bible School Heather Kambeitz, Minister of Finance Pat Lair, St. Luke’s Choir Director Lori Murray, Organist and Accompanist Rob Norris-Weber, Pastor Alanna Teragawa, Director of Bells of Praise Cheryl Thiele, Office Support Barb Watson, Preschool Director and let us welcome…Tommy Denesen, St. Luke’s Part-Time Office Support ![]() Tommy works for the family business, "Most Wanted Comics". His responsibilities include social media accounts, customer service, editing the website, answering emails, merchandise products within the store, and planning inventory purchases. Over the next few years, he plans to work his way through college as he studies marketing and business. One of the joys of a congregation is to raise up leaders. Tommy started attending St. Luke’s as a child. He was confirmed at St. Luke’s. He is active on the Stewardship Team, one of the Video Techs for worship and participates with his family hosting Pizza Night for Wednesday Night Live Dinners. Tommy graduated from Jefferson High School in 2023. Some notes from his biography on the 2023 St. Luke’s High School Graduate Board: He enjoys writing, reading, a playing the saxophone in his spare time. His Bible Verse is John 11: 25-26: I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” Word of Encouragement for younger students: The faith you build in childhood can help to guide you through difficult times during the rest of your life. Also know that you are always loved by somebody, because Jesus always loves you.
1 Comment
Diane LaFontaine
2/2/2024 09:16:30 am
Lots of good things going on at St. Luke's! Looks like an awesome Council and Foundation makeup for the coming year, and terrific staff.
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