Tuesday, January 7th
Consider giving blood as a last 2024 Christmas Gift, “ the gift of Life”: and a 2025 New Year’s Resolution Every day, blood donors help patients of all ages: accident and burn victims, heart surgery and organ transplant patients, and those battling cancer. In fact, every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. Click here to read a few of their stories. In just an hours time, YOU can help save up to three lives with a blood donation during St Luke’s Blood Drive on Tuesday, January 7, 2025 from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm in Fellowship Hall. Click here to sign up (search by 55431 and January 7th). Or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). or alternatively to sign up for an appointment or for further information, contact Larry Nelson 612-599-5240 or [email protected]
Join us this Sunday, December 22, to hear the Christmas Story in two different ways…
8:30 AM – Lessons and Carols 10 AM – Children's Christmas Pageant A Week from today, Tuesday, December 24 join in Celebrating Christmas Eve. Worship is at 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM, and 10:00 PM. Who will you invite? Last year we shared the history of lessons and carols. https://www.stlukesbloomington.org/blog/archives/12-2023 Below is the history of the Christmas Pageant. First, a thank you to all who gathered last Sunday, December 15 for St. Luke’s Lovefest to celebrate our past, understand our present, and learn how to help us grow into our future. Much thanks to the Community Life Team for providing breakfast along with Paul and Julie Klein’s cinnamon rolls. The morning was a success with Leah DeSchepper, Congregational President hosting. Paul Sundet, Congregational Treasurer shared St. Luke’s finances for this year and future projections. We had two people share their financial stories starting with Laura Thompson talking about Lutheran Social Services Debt Management Program, helping her get her finances under control. Mark Bergherr shared why he is leaving a legacy with St. Luke’s. This presentation, in a shorter version, will be available to view during our Budget Meetings on January 12 and 19, 2025. If have questions contact Leah DeSchepper, Congregational President: [email protected]. Thank you St. Luke’s! We are on our way to meeting the financial needs of 2024 and beyond. 29 people participated in the Post-It Note Promise which combined totaled over $15,000. There were financial gifts also given totaling over $10,000. All are invited to make a year end gift. Gifts need to be received by 4:30 PM, Tuesday, December 31 in the church office. By 11:59 PM if making a gift online www.stlukesbloomington.org follow the GIVE link bottom of the page. Mailed gifts need to have a postmark of December 31, 2025. The Reason for the Season will be shared by St. Luke’s Children’s Ministry 10:00 am Worship. Here’s the history… The Children’s Christmas pageant has been a long standing tradition in churches throughout the ages – big or small; rural, urban, or suburban; no matter the denomination or nondenominational. Recently on a talk show the host and actress both attributed the Children’s Christmas pageant to be his and her starting point in acting. It was wonderful to hear them reminince and compare their parts. Neither ever ascended to Mary or Joseph. Both giggled at being a sheep and king. I wonder if one of the children from St. Luke’s will have such a future? Here’s where it all began… The Gospel of Matthew’s Gospel and the Gospel of Luke provide the Christmas Story. The Gospel of Mark jumps right in with John the Baptist. The Gospel of John has his prologue where we read, “The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness does not overcome it. And what Christian home does not have a Nativity Scene. (Our home has over 40 counting ornaments, and I have another handful in my office.) This tradition doesn’t come from Matthew or Luke, but from a book, “Protoevangelium of James” (meaning the “pre” Gospel of James, or sometimes called the Infancy Gospel of James). Its author claims to be James, usually understood to be the half-brother of Jesus (James is also found in the Gospel of Mark chapter 6 and Galatians chapter 1). The “Protoevangelium of James” was written about 145 A.D. Most modern biblical scholars do not believe it was written by James and the consensus is that it was written to satisfy the desires of early Christians to hear more detail about the birth and early years of Jesus’ life. It was overlooked when putting together the Bible. It starts with the Virgin Mary’s own conception and birth. Deacon John J. B. Silvia Jr.’s article of the Clergy Corner of Newport Daily News, December 16, 2016 wrote, “Joseph provides a first-hand description of time stopping as Jesus is born into our world. There is a bright cloud with brilliant light over Jesus at His birth. He describes angels, workers, shepherds, sheep, goats and birds all frozen in time while still in the air. Here we also find the donkey that Mary rides upon, the Magi, described as “Astute Men,” Herod’s slaughter of the innocents, and Joseph’s encounter with a midwife named Salome and a mountain that actually opens up to hide Mary and Jesus inside, in order to save them from Herod. The “Protoevangelium of James” is full of extraordinary, magnificent and supernatural descriptions that include stories starting with Joachim, Anna, Elizabeth, Zacharias and Mary’s conception, birth and early years. I believe that it was all of the gospel stories as well as the “Protoevangelium of James” that influenced a very holy deacon named Francis of Assisi. In 1223, St. Francis was visiting Grecio, Italy, to celebrate Christmas. The chapel was way too small to hold all the people for midnight Mass, so he found a rock outcropping near the center of town and there he set up the first living Christmas crèche. With permission from the church authorities, he prepared a manger, brought in hay, an ox and a donkey. There he assembled the people, sang psalms of praise, and in the words of St. Bonaventure: “… bathed in tears and radiant with joy, the Holy Gospel was chanted by Francis, the Levite of Christ.” The story continues: “A certain valiant and veracious soldier, Master John of Grecio, who, for the love of Christ ... affirmed that he beheld an infant marvelously beautiful, sleeping in the manger, whom the blessed Father Francis embraced with both his arms, as if he would awake him from sleep.” And these are the historical origins of the Nativity and how St. Francis began the tradition that has led up to our beautiful and moving Christmas pageants today. In the hustle and often hassle of the holiday season, may we focus and return to the real meaning and center of our Christmas celebrations, the humble birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The winner of the Christmas Quiz in the Blog on December 3 was Diane LaFontaine! Here’s the key: 1. false 15. E 2. A 16. D 3. F 17. C 4. false 18. C 5. false 19. B 6. true 20. Unknown 7. E 21. C 8. E 22. C 9. C 23. B 10. F 24. G 11. E 25. F 12. A 26. D 13. F 27. D 14. D 28. D Sunday, December 15th following both worships
St. Luke’s is a Welcoming and Growing Community of Faith, busy making Christ known to the World. You are called to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. We are in a strong financial position, but need to strengthen our giving. We have a projected $35,000 deficit, beyond our planned 2024 income. We have a bare bones budget, and need to grow giving to live out our mission. Goals for the Gatherings
If you have one, please bring your Monthly Giving Statement to the breakfast. If you are interested but cannot attend, please contact Leah DeSchepper, Congregational President. [email protected] / 952-412-3951 You still have time to get your answers in from last weeks quiz. Click here for the Christmas IQ Test. ![]() from “Holiday Ideas” by Wayne Rice and Mike Yaconelli How much do you really know about the Bible’s most popular story? During this time of hustle and bustle preparing for Christmas, take a moment to better understand the events surrounding Jesus’ birth. Answers will be shared in next week’s blog, December 10. For those who would like to, send your answers to [email protected] by Monday, December 9. (No Cheating – that would be awful considering the topic of the quiz.) If you have an additional question or questions to contribute, please add it in the comments. Enjoy! 1. As long as Christmas has been celebrated, it has been on December 25th. (True or False) 2. Joseph was from: A. Bethlehem B. Jerusalem C. Nazareth D. Egypt E. Minnesota F. None of the Above 3. How did Mary & Joseph travel to Bethlehem? A. Camel B. Donkey C. Walked D. Volkswagen E. Joseph walked, Mary rode a donkey F. Who knows? 4. Mary & Joseph were married when Mary became Pregnant. (True or False) 5. Mary & Joseph were married when Jesus was born. (True or False) 6. Mary was a virgin when she delivered Jesus. (True or False) 7. What did the innkeeper tell Mary & Joseph? A. Come back after the Christmas rush and I should have some vacancies. B. I have a stable you can use. C. There is no room at the inn. D. Both B & C E. None of the above 8. Jesus was delivered in: A. Stable B. Manger C. Cave D. Barn E. Unknown 9. A “manger” is: A. A stable for domestic animals B. Wooden hay storage bin C. Feeding trough D. Barn 10. Which animals does the Bible say were present at Jesus’ birth? A. Cows, sheep & goats B. Cows, donkeys, sheep C. Sheep & goats D. Misc. barnyard animals E. Lions, tigers, elephants F. None of the above 11. Who saw the “star in the East?” A. Shepherds B. Mary & Joseph C. Three Kings D. Both A & C E. None of the above 12. How many angels spoke to the shepherds? A. One B. Three C. A “Multitude” D. None of the above 13. What “sign” did the angels tell the shepherds to look for? A. This way to Baby Jesus B. A star over Bethlehem C. A baby that doesn’t cry D. A house with a Christmas tree E. A baby in a stable F. None of the above 14. What did the angels sing? A. “Joy to the World” B. “Alleluia” C. “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given” D. “Glory to God in the highest…” E. “Glory to the Newborn King” F. “My Sweet Lord” 15. What is a “Heavenly Host?” A. Angel at the gate to heaven B. Angel who invites people to heaven C. Angel who serves refreshments in heaven D. An angel choir E. An angel army F. None of the Above 16. There was snow that first Christmas: A. Only in Bethlehem B. All over Israel C. Nowhere in Israel D. Somewhere in Israel E. Mary & Joseph only dreamed of a white Christmas 17. The baby Jesus cried: A. When the doctor slapped him on his behind B. Just like other babies cried C. When the little drummer boy started banging on his drum. D. He never cried. 18. What is Frankincense? A. A precious metal B. A precious fabric C. A precious perfume D. An eastern monster story E. None of the above 19. What is Myrrh? A. An easily shaped metal B. A spice for burying people C. A drink D. After-shave lotion E. None of the above 20. How many wise men came to see Jesus? 21. What does “wise men” refer to? A. Men of the educated class B. They were eastern kings C. They were astrologers D. They were smart enough to follow the star E. They were “sages” 22. The wise men found Jesus in a: A. Manger B. Stable C. House D. Holiday Inn E. Good Mood 23. The wise men stopped in Jerusalem: A. To inform Herod about Jesus B. To find out where Jesus was C. To ask about the star they saw D. For gas E. To buy presents for Jesus 24. Where do we find the Christmas story in order to check up on all these ridiculous questions? A. Matthew B. Mark C. Luke D. John E. All the above F. Only A & B G. Only A & C H. Only A, B & C I. Only X, Y & Z J. Aesops Fables 25. When Joseph & Mary found out that Mary was pregnant with Jesus, what happened? A. They got married. B. Joseph wanted to break the engagement C. Mary left town for 3 months D. An Angel told them to go to Bethlehem E. A & D F. B & C 26. Who told Mary & Joseph to go to Bethlehem? A. The Angel B. Mary’s mother C. Herod D. Caesar Augustus E. Alexander the Great F. No one told them to go 27. Joseph took the baby to Egypt: A. To show him the pyramids B. To teach him the wisdom of the Pharaohs C. To put him in a basket in the reeds by the river D. Because he dreamed about it E. To be taxed F. Joseph did not take Jesus to Egypt G. None of the above 27. I think this test was: A. Super B. Great C. Fantastic D. All of the above Blessings to you and yours this Christmas Season… |
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